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budget DJ, Cheap DJ, Utah DJ, Wedding DJ, Company Party, Reception DJ, AV rental, DJ rental, Salt Lake City DJ, Best DJ, Cheapest DJ, U Be The DJ, You be the DJ, Wedding, Birthday DJ, Sweet 16 DJ, Prom DJ, Singles Dance DJ, Party DJ, Holiday Party DJ, Disc Jockey, Sound System Rental, Utah DJ Services, Park City DJ, DJ's in Utah, Holiday Party, Celebration, Fun Birthday Ideas, Mobile DJ, DJ Lighting, DJ Sound, Batmitzvah DJ, Quinceanera DJ, Barmitzvah DJ

budget DJ, Cheap DJ, Utah DJ, Wedding DJ, Company Party, Reception DJ, AV rental, DJ rental, Salt Lake City DJ, Best DJ, Cheapest DJ, U Be The DJ, You be the DJ, Wedding, Birthday DJ, Sweet 16 DJ, Prom DJ, Singles Dance DJ, Party DJ, Holiday Party DJ, Disc Jockey, Sound System Rental, Utah DJ Services, Park City DJ, DJ's in Utah, Holiday Party, Celebration, Fun Birthday Ideas, Mobile DJ, DJ Lighting, DJ Sound, Batmitzvah DJ, Quinceanera DJ, Barmitzvah DJ

budget DJ, Cheap DJ, Utah DJ, Wedding DJ, Company Party, Reception DJ, AV rental, DJ rental, Salt Lake City DJ, Best DJ, Cheapest DJ, U Be The DJ, You be the DJ, Wedding, Birthday DJ, Sweet 16 DJ, Prom DJ, Singles Dance DJ, Party DJ, Holiday Party DJ, Disc Jockey, Sound System Rental, Utah DJ Services, Park City DJ, DJ's in Utah, Holiday Party, Celebration, Fun Birthday Ideas, Mobile DJ, DJ Lighting, DJ Sound, Batmitzvah DJ, Quinceanera DJ, Barmitzvah DJ
Professional DJ / MC
(let a pro dazzle your crowd)
Connect with one of these talented live DJ and emcee Independent Contractors
DJ Lacroy
$75/hr. (3hr. Minimum) + U Be The DJ Equipment Rental
*Availability & Travel fees may vary, Contact directly for a quote (801.888.6625 / Alex.Orton@selecthealth.org)
DJ Lacroy (Alex Orton) Is a Utah native who specializes in DJing in a fun and upbeat way that the whole family can enjoy. Specializing in wedding receptions, school carnivals, censored church dances, and so much more!
*The views, conduct, opinions, performance, and content provided by DJ/EMCEE independent subcontractor referrals listed above are those of solely the entertainer and do not necessarily reflect the official policy, position, or standard of service of U Be The DJ, its owners, or affiliates. Any media content used in the performance is either the property of the subcontractor or is up to the subcontractor to acquire permission from the copyright holder for use in this manner. U Be The DJ is not responsible for nor can it guarantee any particular expectation of quality for the performance by the DJ/EMCEE independent subcontractor, the performance is a form of art that is very subjective to various tastes and preferences of different viewers/listeners. U Be The DJ is not financially liable for any injury or damages caused by the independent subcontractor, if such an incident occurs you must settle the issue with the subcontractor and their insurance directly. Please do your own due diligence in researching the type, style, genre, format, and attitude of each entertainer before selecting one. Also, please keep in mind that these entertainers are human, they cannot perform 100% to your liking at all times, they may make human mistakes, and their taste in music might differ from your own, at all times please treat them with respect, just because you are paying for their talent doesn't mean you get to dictate how they operate. If you or your guests have a request, kindly ask the DJ/EMCEE to try and add it to their mix for the event. If they do not play you or your guest's request please do not ask again or take offense to it, many factors can be at large, such as but not limited to, copyright, availability, explicit lyrics, the client's behest, time, flow, or schedule. You must at all times provide the entertainer with a safe and comfortable environment to perform, they also need reasonable breaks and access to facilities and drinking water. If the entertainer feels unsafe or threatened in any way they may terminate the performance instantly and leave the premises. Once in a safe space, the subcontractor must contact U Be The DJ and inform them of the situation. Termination of the performance does not warrant a refund or discount of any amount. Payment for the independent contractor's services may be added to the total bill from U Be The DJ or you may agree to pay them directly. Payment to U Be The DJ for the independent contractor does not indicate or associate their business with U Be The DJ, this service is offered only as a mere matter of convenience to the customer should they choose/prefer to pay the entire sum in total. Tipping the entertainer is not required nor is it refundable, however, if you feel that their work was extraordinary or you valued the talent they provided you may either tip them monetarily in person or you may designate a portion in addition to the final payment due to U Be The DJ and we will ensure 100% of the gratuity (minus any processing fees incurred by U Be The DJ) goes directly to the entertainer. Any refunds or discounts must be agreed upon by the subcontractor, client, and U Be The DJ. Late or non-payment to the independent contractor for their services is to be handled by the independent contractor and is not the responsibility of U Be The DJ to collect. By Utilizing the services of U Be The DJ you are subject to and agree to these terms and conditions listed above, and in the signed "Rental Contract", you may also be subject to any additional contracts, terms and conditions, or fees from the independent subcontractor, these do not supersede or negate the Liability & Rental Agreement entered into by the client with U Be The DJ.
Check out these LOCAL vendors too!
Big Cheese Entertainment offers full service outdoor theater systems. Perfect for a "Movies in the Park" event, backyard birthday party, company BBQ, or any other special celebration. Our systems include a giant inflatable movie screen, array style stereo sound system, full HD projector, onsite technician, and include FREE delivery, setup & strike.
Black Beard Audio Visual provides top-notch AV rentals for events of all sizes. Our technicians are experienced, friendly, and professional ensuring your show exceeds all your expectations every time. Our inventory is constantly being refreshed with new gear so you don't ever receive battered or obsolete equipment.
Foampartyzz is Utah's best locally-owned backyard foam party specialist! Summer can be boring so mix it up with an outdoor fun-filled foam party! Safe for the kids and safe for your lawn. The foam solution is bio-degradable, hypoallergenic, and non-staining, most importantly it is a blast for all ages & all events!